Originally Posted by bd41flpk
Scenario: R1 and R2 on base w/1 out. B/R hits a fly ball between home and 1st near the foul line. UIC correctly declares - '....infield fly if fair, Batter is out...' Ball is allowed to drope between the catcher and the pitcher in foul territory, yet it now has some back spin and then rolls back fair and comes to a 'stop' in fair territory.
Ruling: R1 and R2 advance to 2nd and 3rd bases respecively and B/R is declare out? Correct ruling?
Also, can someone please give me some wording around the characteristics of the 'infield fly' rule?
Just to be sure you understand, in your example, yes, the B/R is out on the infield fly, but the ball is still live and in play. Runners may advance but are in jeopardy if they do.
Rather than just learn the IFR, you need to understand the reason for its existence, which is to prevent the defense from turning an easy double play by allowing a fly ball to hit the ground uncaught. While there are some different quirks in different rulesets, you should be able to reason out all the essentials from this.