Mon Mar 03, 2008, 11:41am
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Originally Posted by ca_rumperee
Loose ball at mid court...
Two players A1 and B1, from opposite directions, absolutely sell out and go for ball with everything they've got.
Tremendous mid-air collision. Both players rocked pretty good and in some form of collapse on the floor... ball is still loose.
My partner calls a foul on A1, even though I think she got her hand on the ball first. I didn't see the basis for the call. Both player had an equal right to it, and both were completely going for the ball -- no attempt to create contact and shield the ball for the other.
How do you handle this kind of play in general?
Its one of those 'gym goes silent' plays where everyone is concerned for players, though in this instance the call came immediately.
If it was up to me it would have been no call, see if advantage develops after the fact, blow it dead if the player(s) are still down.
Or, as my partner may have been thinking, make a call, stop the game, make sure everyone has all of their parts left, and go from there.
Hard to judge without seeing play. All things being equal, stop play for safety of players.