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Old Mon Mar 03, 2008, 10:36am
grunewar grunewar is offline
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Originally Posted by Dan_ref
Not to worry.

IF (that's a big if btw) he continues to move up GREAT DEFENSE will become DON'T REACH then WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT!!?? and finally a silent move to his left to get his sub to the table during the dead ball.
U of Tenn vs Ga. Girls game yesterday - Tenn up by ~6 with 30 or so seconds left in the game. Easy win.

Tenn girl gets "overly aggressive" in the backcourt and fouls the Ga. guard in a bonehead move - cut to TV shot of Pat Summit, who as you read her lips says to the girl - "How could you do something that stupid?"

Ah, the other way to handle the situation.......
There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.
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