These are fundamental 2 man mechanics and I suggest you locate a clinic in your area and attend. You really can't learn on a forum like this, IMHO. The only real way to learn is to practice it and be observed and recieve some constructive feedback.
But, to answer your questions. First, PU has all touches and tags at 3rd base and home. On the deep fly to F8, your first responsibility is the catch, so you do need to move toward the edge of the infield grass, while still keeping in mind you have to watch the tag-ups at 2nd AND 1st. You can do this at the edge of the outfield grass. Catch made, signal the out and verbalize, "that's a catch" so your partner can hear you. As the catch is made, begin to move toward the working area, shading toward 3rd, anticipating a play there, either R2 tagging up and advancing to 3rd, or R2 advancing to 3rd on the throw home if R3 is tagging and going. Also remember you have any secondary plays at all the other bases, so this is where the working area is usefull.
R1 and R2, with a deep fly to F8, your approach to the fly ball is the same, however ( you need to cover this in pre-game with your partner) PU will take R2 advancing to 3rd after the tag. You then will have all the other secondary tags and plays at 2nd and 1st. PU never has tags at any base other than 3rd.
Hope this helps.
Bob P.
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