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Old Fri Feb 29, 2008, 11:48am
gordon30307 gordon30307 is offline
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Originally Posted by rngrck
Ok, bases loaded, deep fly to F8 caught. I'm U2 in C pos. Where am I looking first? Does U1 have 3rd and me 2nd for the tags ups?
How about 1st and 2nd? U2 has 2nd, U1 has 1st?
UIC Plate Umpire
U1 Field umpire

As U1 First Responsibility Catch No Catch. R2 SHOULD be tagging. If he does be sure he doesn't go early and be ready for the play at third. R1 SHOULD be halfway. You still have to know if R1 tagged or not should he advance. Behind the Pichers Mound you can see the catch and the tag. If no play at third be sure R1 tags up (UIC has touches at third) locate the ball and let it take you to the next play. If there's play on R2 at third you have to get it. UIC at this point has nothing (R3 has already scored) to do and can help on the tag up of R1 at first. Can easily do this without leaving the plate.

Pretty easy if the players do what there supposed to do. However, never assume anything and be ready for anything. You can have the Keystone Cops on the bases. If that happens you do the best you can do. That's why I like to be behind the Pitchers Mound. It's the shortest distance where I have to be when things fall apart.
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