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Old Fri Jun 21, 2002, 01:33am
Jim Porter Jim Porter is offline
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Originally posted by Umpire_Jeremy
This is not really a rules question....

But lets you say you have a play at home and the coach disagrees and comes out to question your call, (for the sake of argument lets just say he was very respectful about it) and his question to you is, " Please tell me what you saw" Now, I read on another message board that an umpire posted that veteran umpires would not let the coach get away with that. What/How do you respond in this type of situation?

Just looking for better ways to handle my situations as I continue to do high level baseball.

Thanks for any replies.
Let me get this straight -

If a coach comes out to question a judgment call, is polite and respectful to me, and asked me what I saw, how would I handle it?

By golly, if I don't kiss him, I'm sure as heck gonna tell him what I saw.
Jim Porter
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