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Old Wed Feb 27, 2008, 01:04am
Rita C Rita C is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 872

I was discussing the test with a high school umpire (and college this year) and mentioned that he needed to watch out for this question. I told him the question and he said it was true. I said that they could leave when the ball was touched. He told me they didn't have to tag up at all if it were juggled. I said they did.

He says, "That's Little League" I told him it was all codes. Then he seeks confirmation from another high school umpire. That umpire also agreed with him that the runner did not need to tag up if the ball were juggled.

He finally told me to email him the rule. I sent him for OBR, FED, and NCAA.


Umpire #2--three years, training with local association

Umpire #1--five years, training with local association

Me--10 years. Read the OBR straight through four times before starting. Western Region Little League umpire school, weeklong. Trained two years with NBUA in Seattle. Yearly training with District 1 Little League, which is better than the NBUA training. UIC and clinician for local league. Ask me a rules question, I can probably tell you rule number and maybe even whether it's on the right or left page of the book.

And they know this.

But hell what do I know.

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