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Old Tue Feb 26, 2008, 11:05pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by MajorCord
I was told this story, but I'm not 100% sure it is true. AAU game, Team A is thumping Team B by a large margin, 40 or more points. Late in the game, Team A is still pressing full court, lots of pressure, etc. Team B is attempting to inbound the ball, spot throw-in. Team A player (son of coach) is right in the inbounder's face putting pressure. Team B coach calls timeout. In timeout, he instructs his player to throw the ball as hard as he can at Team A player's face if he is still putting pressure on the throw-in. Team B player obliges, twice, supposedly bloodying the kid's nose. Team A coach looks at Team B coach after the second time and says, "I get it" and calls off the press. If you were officiating the game what would have been your response?
It wouldn't have taken twice, but my response would have been to assess a flagrant technical foul to the thrower.
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