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Old Tue Feb 26, 2008, 10:04pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by robertclasalle
Girls varsity game last week, I was administering a designated spot throw-in, team A is inbounding, as I am reaching 3-4 seconds on my 5 second count, the team A player throws the ball at the team B player's legs, causing an out-of-bounds off the team B player. After the fourth time, I told the team A player, "You know, I'm starting to wonder if you are intentionally trying to avoid the 5 second count by not inbounding the ball or taking a time out." She must have understood my veiled threat, because she then inbounded the ball, and we moved on. Was this good game management on my part? Did I have the right to T her if it happened again? My partner told me that team A's coach then asked her what I said, but the coach did not approach either of us about it. The game was dead in the water while this was going on, the clock wasn't running, we were just wasting time. What would you have done? How about this variant. Two of the times, the defensive player had her back to the team A player, and was struck in the back of her legs by the throw-in, hard!!! Any different call there?
The inbounder is expected to be attempting to avoid the 5 second count violation. That is his/her job.

Why are you threatening the inbounder with a T? Her action is perfectly legal. If B1 doesn't want the ball to be thrown off of her legs she can avoid it by getting out of the way or moving away from the inbounder. A T here would be bogus.

You were totally wrong.
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