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Old Tue Feb 26, 2008, 06:16pm
bossman72 bossman72 is offline
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Originally Posted by RPatrino
Bossman, your statement, "When the runner is tagged out, keep the DDB sign up, point and say "safe on obstruction" and keep the ball alive" needs some clarification, at least for me. The mechanic is different depending on if you are the one making the "out or safe" call on the obstructed runner. Can I assume that in your situation YOU are the one who has the call involving the obstructed runner?

You assumed correctly, this would be the BU making the OBS call and the call on the play being made on the obstructed runner. DDB signal when it happens (I probably wouldn't keep it up the whole time running around with it), then point and just say "safe on obsruction" and then call time and make the award when action is relaxed.

This was the interp I got when I asked what the mechanic is for this a LONG time ago on this board. I will ask my state interpreter in a few weeks.
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