Tue Feb 26, 2008, 03:49pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 4,222
Originally Posted by TussAgee11
I was taught as little as 2 or 3 years ago...
1) Point with right arm at the obstruction while verbalizing "that's obstruction"
2) Stick out left arm (don't run around with it out, but it lets your partner(s) know something is up in case they didn't hear or see your first point)
Giving the DDB signal is not only the mechanic, it seems to me to be a good communication tool with your partner(s), and lets players and coaches know (assuming they know the rules), OBS has been called.
Same goes for Balks in OBR...
My .02...
Same what goes for balks in OBR? A "delayed deadball signal?"
Heaven forfend!