I am a Minor League 'A' manager, and we play by Little League rules. We had a play tonight that has me puzzled, and I hope you can help. Our team was in the field, and a batter for the opposing team hits a clean double to the outfield. While he was on his way to second, my first baseman tells me he missed first base. The ball is now dead, and I directed my pitcher to stand on the rubber, with ball in hand, and call timeout. I then explain to the umpire we want to appeal the runner who missed first base. I direct my pitcher to throw the ball to first base, and my first baseman touches first base. The umpire called the runner out for missing first base. Then, the opposing manager consults with the umpire, telling him that the appeal is invalid, because I was directing the kids on how to do the appeal, and I was the one that told the umpire what we are doing. I say we were ok, as it was clear by my players' actions(throwing the ball to first and tagging the base) that we were appealing properly. Thanks in advance for your help.