Thread: Wreck ball...
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Old Mon Feb 25, 2008, 02:51pm
Coltdoggs Coltdoggs is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
Not every area is organized the same. Basketball is big time in this state and most schools have basketball programs. There would be not very many kids to participate if you tried to have a wreck league. And now all types of summer programs with either AAU or YBOA (there are a couple of other organizations) there are not any youth basketball leagues like the YMCA anymore. There might be a few, but it is not the norm.

Totally agree with JRut...the YMCA/Church/School Township Leagues are losing players every year.

Our rec program is down 60 kids(6 teams) in the 5th/6th grade league just from last year. We only have 12 teams in that league and 12 in the 3rd/4th and 12 in 7th/8th. About 4 years ago you had 18 teams in each league or 540 kids.

The reason...multi-sport facilities and dedicated hoops facilities like the one I posted earlier are opening fast and in a hurry in Indy. There are now 4 of these places around the city and another one on the far northside just opened up as well. The teams/leagues are more competitive and "open" format like AAU where you'll have kids from multiple schools on one team.

Our rec league only allows the kids within the township to play in it, so there is a "limited" number of kids available anyway...They field 2-3 "travel" teams from grades 3-6 so that pulls outta the number of kids in the rec program.
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