Thread: Wreck ball...
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Old Mon Feb 25, 2008, 12:38pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by rockyroad
BearFan - there is a BIG difference between Adult Rec leagues and Kid's Rec leagues. I wouldn't touch the Adult leagues with a 50 foot pole if I were you. I hinestly do not see any benefits from doing that level of ball (other than earning some cash). The kids rec leagues are a different story, imo. You can actually get some benefit from those games - working on mechanics, etc. - because your partners quite often are others just like you, not just the guys looking for the extra cash...
What is called "wreak ball" around here is usually has nothing to do with kids. Kid’s basketball is usually associated with a school or a travel/AAU type team. And in either case, a lot of what benefit you will get out of the league is going to depend on the league and the kind of games. And I have not seen any "wreak" ball that has a normal clock and normal rules procedures that would require or expect good mechanics. In most games with youth basketball is not much different than the adult variety just they are with kids.

I think this is not the case in many areas. Most schools have a basketball program of some kind and that is where most kids are going to play. The days of the YMCA having an in-house team do not seem to be very common anymore.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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