Thread: Wreck ball...
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Old Mon Feb 25, 2008, 10:51am
JHamp JHamp is offline
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Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 18
Originally Posted by Bearfanmike20
I think I'm going to open my availability to Wreck ball... I need to keep officiating. I've done about 65 games in the last 3 months, but I feel I need more... I'm hoping this will get me ready for next season by continuing with wreck and summer league ball.

Any advice...
I'm not sure how systems are built in your area but here we have some pretty good quality CYO teams/leagues. Also we are pretty forutnate with some AAU teams around the area. I would try to find some games like that. They are more structured and the the level of play is better. You'll also find, or at least we do here, most of the other officials in these leagues are HS level officials making it easier to keep proper mechanics.

When you get into the Men's Rec leagues you have quality play for about 4 minutes before everyone starts gassing out then it's all downhill from there. JMO
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