Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by JRutledge
Listening to some here, you would think you could officiate in a Foot Locker shirt and sweat pants and be considered a great partner as long as you got a 98 on the Part 1 and a 99 on the Part 2.
No, I wouldn't. Who are you listening to?
I do not need to call names, that is not necessary. But the way I have been attacked on this board and the "other" board for just bringing up something that has been published, written about time and time again and talked about at many camps all over the country, suggests that is the case with some. Just pick up a Referee Magazine any month and read all the articles and you will see that blowing the whistle or make a call has more to do with how you are precieved rather than the calls you make. Just look at the July article in the Basketball section called "Good to Great" on page 68. I did not see "rules knowledge" as the top or only thing considered to become a great official. But what do I know, I actually read other things than what is said on this board. I actually attend camps, not just talk about them. I actually talk to officials other than on this board and that do much higher levels than I do. Hell I even have talked to NFL, NBA and college officials. I guess I just make these things up.