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Old Sun Feb 24, 2008, 02:09pm
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem

That is my point. That is what I was showing in my picture. It has to be within reason. This is extreme, but: on a ball hit to the fence, the runner could not run through the pitchers circle and get OBS if F2 got in their way. If you would agree with that, then you would have to agree defense does have some level of rights to exist on the field, even if not fielding a batted ball.
Remember, OBS is impeding a runner's progress. Common sense would dictate that the runner must actually be attempting to achieve a base safely. Granted, a runner can run anywhere they please and we often use the extreme example of running out to high-five the right fielder (well, at least I do in demonstrating a "base path"). The only right the defense has is to attempt to stay out of the way, but even if they cannot do that, it doesn't mean that, in the umpire's judgment, the defender's presence actually impeded or hindered the runner's progress.

You seem to be hung up on giving the defense some defense for OBS. There is none other than possessing the ball as long as the runner is legitimately running the bases.
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