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Old Sat Feb 23, 2008, 10:57pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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I see no obstruction in your first picture - the runner was able to go to her chosen part of the base without any hindrance. And, given the placement of the fielder's feet, I can't see where I'd see obstruction pretty much no matter what the runner did.
Now, have that fielder straddle the base - only giving the runner the side of the bag facing 2B, with the runner still wanting to go to the outside of the bag - see the obstruction? It's the Fed game with little balls that just sez "access" and means that the fielder gets to determine just how much access to give the runner. In softball, if the fielder does not have the ball, the fielder MUST YIELD to the runner - period.
The rule does intend for the fielder to disappear - out of the runner's chosen path to the base - every time the fielder does not have the ball.

Oh, and I do agree with your choice to bring the discussion away from eTeamz.

Edited to add "first" in describing the pictures.
Since I started to post this before Wade added his second pic, I'll respond to that now. No, I don't see that the runner has altered her course. She's going straight in. I do not see any obstruction in the second pic.
Steve M

Last edited by Steve M; Sat Feb 23, 2008 at 11:01pm.
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