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Old Sat Feb 23, 2008, 10:56pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi
I think that you are misunderstanding the arguments. Access to the "whole base" is from the direction from which the runner is coming. In this case, the defender has clearly allowed the runner access to the whole base (from the perspective of the direction from which she is traveling), and is thus properly positioned and legal as per the rule.

Now, if her right foot were on the exact opposite side of the base (toward right field), and her left foot were still on the infield side close to where it is, she would be straddling the base, allowing the runner only to use the lane that the defender chose for her, and subsequently would be guilty of OBS.
Well unfortunately for me, there is a picture of me making this exact call, and I consider it one of the worst calls I've ever made. This horrible call has been posted to the HS's Softball Team site for 3 years now.. and I know they have it posted just because it was so horrible. I remember the game and I was clamping down because the game was so rough, they were really beating on each other and it was a big rivalry game. Incident after incident and I pulled the trigger to quick and have to live with that HS posting this pic of me making such a horrible call.. I'm cured of that line of thought.

I do not agree with this interpretation.

You are saying that I made a good call here:

I KNOW I blew it.
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