They are all in on the scam.
An Ivy League professor told me, "I cannot think of a bigger scam than $45,000 a year for a diploma from [I won't name his school, but if you've heard of hip-hop "artist" Cornel West and people-should-have-sex-with-animals Peter Singer, it's that one]."
In terms of government schools, Newark, New Jersey, spends $16,000 annually for each of the 44,720 "students" in its public schools—more than $200,000 for one student K through 12. For this investment, the Newark schools graduate several thousand illiterates annually.
New York City discovered that some of its teachers were putting in for phony overtime. How were they caught? The teachers had put in for hours on February 30, April 31, May 32, etc. (On the positive side, at least one person in NYC government was educated enough to recognize the erroneous dates.)
I guarantee you, though, they are all experts on recycling and the cancerous growth on this planet called people and how we are all destroying the planet through global warming.
Not to mention how toothpaste commercials oppress and exploit women and perpetuate our patriarchal system of institutionalized slavery (that's marriage to all you unenlightened).
More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men!
Roll Tide!