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Old Fri Feb 22, 2008, 10:47pm
ca_rumperee ca_rumperee is offline
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Originally Posted by Illini_Ref
Rules clearly state that a dribbler has violated when he steps OOB, regardless of whether he is touching the ball when he does so. I think that if he obviously dribble passed to A2, then this is fine, otherwise it is a violation as soon as he steps OOB.
so, if a1 is dribbling lets say, under the basket with no pressure, runs over to the sideline, steps out of bounds, then runs back and resumes the dribble (indulge me here) then we have an OOB violation?

The OOB has occurred during the un-interrupted dribble here. Could that be right?

Say there was no pressure. Say A1 is dribbling in the back court. Girls high school with a shot clock. No defensive pressure. Player is dribbling in the middle of the floor at the free throw line in her back court....

Dribbles the ball HARD into the floor! (so that the ball pops up into the air 20 feet) Runs to the sideline to give her coach a string that she found on the floor. Steps OOB and hands it to the coach.... then runs back and resuscusitates her dribble.... thats an OOB violation?

You call it when she steps OOB? or when she resumes her dribble?
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