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Old Fri Feb 22, 2008, 11:47am
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally Posted by Cajun Reff
some kids in certain programs are known to try to draw a lot of charges so we always discuss in pregame good viewing angle/defender position/initiate contact/ result and the time to call a technical foul on a fake charge is when the defender falls BEFORE contact is made.
Wrong way to call the play, by rule.

If there is contact, you can't call a technical foul. It's legal for a defender to bail out and protect himself before the contact is made, as per rule 4-23-3(e). Any subsequent contact is then ruled a charge, block or a no call depending on the defender's LGP and the severity of the contact.

The technical foul is for faking being fouled...i.e. there is very, very minimal or NO contact. That's rule 10-3-7(f).

Not a bad idea either imo to maybe warn a player before whacking him.
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