LOL - Would love to see the coach trying to argue an obstruction call on his own player. Even better would be an opposing coach trying to get obstruction called when only opposing team members were involved:
"HEY BLUE! He interfered with his own runner making it easier for us to get the out, therefore he's out!". Cracks me up to just think about it.
No, obstruction can only be caused by a defensive player. As long as the catcher did not interfere with the batter leaving the box (which it sounds like he did not) then it is R3 out, batter safe. If the catcher prevented the batter from leaving the box which led to the slowdown by R3 then you might (big maybe here, it would have to be really blatant for me to make this call) have an argument for obstruction on the catcher which would make everybody safe.
I can't see any way that the batter would be out though under any circumstances.
David A. Brand