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Old Thu Feb 21, 2008, 08:22am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by BoomerSooner
Just to make sure everyone is on the same page, the point of interuption was B making the layup after the stolen pass. Thus A will get the ball and can run the end line.

As far as A's coach being upset, the question at hand is would he have been as up set if his team hadn't thrown the ball away and had scored a 2 or 3 point FG before play was stopped to correct the error? Had this happen in a game and let's just say its difficult to explain to coach B why the other team is getting a chance at essentially a 5 point play. Unfortunately that is how the correctable error rule works but on the other hand it was his home scorer that miscounted the team fouls.
Tell the coach that hollering at you during the play isn't the proper procedure. Then inform him of the proper method to handle it. He needs to go to the scorer's table and request a time-out to rectify a correctable error. The table should sound the horn at the next dead ball. The error will still be correctable.

An official should never stop a play in progress just because a coach is yelling about something, unless the whistle is for a T on the coach.

BTW had there not been a steal and play had been stopped with A still in possession then the players would line up as normal for the FTs, but a made goal by A would indeed create a double whammy.
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