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Old Wed Feb 20, 2008, 03:49pm
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 962
First my perspective, I only umpire NFHS softball and ASA JO girls FP. I think there are elite umpires in both sports softball and baseball. I also feel like to each their own. BUT I also feel like there softball umpires are looked down upon by baseball umpires. I think it has to do with the male ego thing of a mans sport is more important that a girls sport (remember my softball is only girls FP). I think the guys see themselves living vicarously through their sons so the mans sport is ranked higher. Personally I beleive that is total BS, but there is that sort of feeling in my area.

On the topic of FED vs ASA (all I can speak to) I think they both have the ability to have off the street umpires. In my state all you have to do in FED is take an open book test and you are registered to umpire. For ASA all you have to do is send in money and you are an ASA umpire. So both are easy to get, there are no requirements to do any mentoring any clinics nothing...just get ahold of people who schedule and you are ok to work....

Now if you want to move on, state tournament series in FED, you have to go to a certification clinic (every two years) and take part !! of the NFHS test (every year) and be ranked high enough by ADs (basically coaches) and have a strong enough schedule. All of those go into a formula and you get a rating, the highest 100+ get sectional games, then from those some get regional then a smaller amount get state assignments.

ASA, to do state tourneys (Run by state ASA) you have to attend a clinic every three years, rules meeting every other year, complete the ASA test, and be judged as acceptable by the state UIC staff. To go to Nationals, both regionals and championships you have to have worked several years at the state level and been given high evaluations and reviews by the UIC's at these state tourneys. Then the state UIC and Commisioner have to approve your appointment to a National.

To me the ASA has the best program in our area. It has umpires evaluating umpires. There is a LOT more chance for feedback, ability to get constructive advice. FED is kind of a free for all work with a partner tonight and who knows who will show up tomorrow night.....and there are a lot of people who do it just for the money and care not to improve their skills! Nowhere is there a UIC kind of setup in FED until you get into the Regional or State level.
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