"a lot of the misconceptions coaches and fans have are perpetuated by bad umps"
- I couldn't agree with you more! Perception IS reality. I'll debate this premise another time.
"The AD was advised but chose to ignore it as he had used the individuals in the past and had them scheduled years in advance. As far as notifying the various associations I wasn't prepared to rock the boat that much."
- This comment brings to mind a lesson that was taught to me as a young officer in the army. Sometimes you must choose between the easy thing and the right thing. When you choose the right thing, it will not be easy, but it will make the difference.
Maybe now would be a good time to rock the boat. Bring a solution to the AD, sell it to him as "his" idea, walla problem solved! Talk to the local association, explain your concerns. In our association, you may see a Babe Ruth World Series ump (we have several) working HS AAAAA on Monday and a HS AA game on Tuesday.
If your supporting association is interested in their client (you), it would behoove them to listen to you. I am being overly simplistic here, but I am a firm believer that those that are content with the status quo are condemned to repeat the past. Those that push the envelope, while cursed by many, tend to make a difference in the lives of others.