Originally Posted by Interested Ump
That's a shame. Often there is no time between end of work (for those that have day jobs, I realize many on the forum don't) and home plate meeting, to wait 4 hours to eat or drink is patently absurd. There is much evidences that as blood sugars drop, abilities, especially cognitive and visual, drop with it.
Originally Posted by BigUmp56
They have more time to grab a snack between innings than they would on the drive to the field from work? I think you've given a pretty poor excuse to allow this kind of unprofessionalism. It's not that tough to plan ahead.........
Yes, you're correct. More time between innings since, as I posted, this is allotted time. There are a few who take advantage of this and eat on the way to the field and again at the field, we call them The Big Umps.
Unprofessional to properly fuel the body for maximum performance? Are you serious....? No, you're pulling my leg. You got me, Tim.