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Old Mon Jun 17, 2002, 02:17pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Originally posted by Porch Dog

After my son graduated I wanted to stay in the game so I began umpiring. I did jv, high school and American Legion. The problems began when I started coaching again, a local junior varsity team. I never questioned fair/foul safe/out etc... I knew that the jv level is a learning level for umpires as well as players. But the average age of these guys was well over forty and I knew most of them had been around the game for a long time. As a group they demonstrated a lack of knowledge of the rules, they showed little effort to be in position (hustle/mechanics) and their appearance was less than appropriate. They were there to get a paycheck and get out as soon as possible.

The Number one problem in getting good young energetic officials for HS is the start Times of the games. Most people are still working at around the 4 PM Time range which is your average start time for a HS game with the exception of some Saturday Games and Playoffs at the end of the season.

Therefore in the assignors defense he /she has a limited number of bodies in which to work with. In fact many modified and Freshman Games only have one umpire scheduled do to the scarsity. Throw in some 3/4 days of rain and it's even worse.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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