Fallen Umpire
I know this is a BB forum, but it's officials. Our association just heard of this tragic event. Could have been any of us. I don't know his age or family status, but will be soliciting my association for donations. He was struck on 12/21 and passed away on 1/5 or so, sorry I don't have more details
This umpire was struck by a line drive near second base, and never got up.
God bless his family and friends.
Greg Ferguson from Houston, Tx.
"Donations for GREG's family can be sent to":
Wachovia Bank
Attn. Linda Ferguson Special Account Condolence cards may be sent to:
Account Number: 1010187445182 Linda Ferguson
2800 Post Oak Blvd 10739 Sandpiper
Houston, TX 77056 Houston, TX 77096