Originally posted by Rita C
Be nice. I'm serious. I'm proposing a research project to see if this might have an effect on ejections from games.
My first reaction is that knowing the rules is not as important as interpersonal skills and seriousness about being a teacher and a role model. Then I think of last week and my first ejection of the year. Time limit game and Visitors are up with only about ten minutes left. First batter can't be punctual to the plate because he is looking for his glasses. With two outs the fifth batter is no where to be seen. After three "Where's the batter?" I direct the pitcher to pitch and call a Strike. Third-base coach says you can't do that and that I just want to go home. Being of good cheer I ignore both brief comments. On the way in he say's I'm horrible and I say "You're gone." Now of course if he knew the rules he might have said the first two but not the last. However, regardless of rules knowledge coaches should know they can't make their opinions personal without suffering the consequences. Jim/NYC