Originally Posted by ManInBlue
Originally Posted by ManInBlue
I first thought "true" - but this is essentially the exact verbiage from the rule book with "touched" changed to "caught."
Didn't seem like a trick question to me. Simply testing the knowledge of the rules verbiage.
"If a fair or foul batted ball is caught, other than a foul tip, each base runner shall touch his base after the batted ball has been touched by a fielder." - my emphasis - Rule 8-2-4
Originally Posted by ManInBlue
Show him 8-2-4. It's pretty straight forward. The test is not worded lilke the book, making the test statement incorrect.
LDUB is right, he's only debating half of the statement.
Written again and again.
Rule 7.08 - Any runner is out when -
(d) failing to retouch the base after a fair or foul fly ball is legally caught before that runner or the base is legally tagged by a fielder. ... This is an appeal play
Mr. Umpire, I appeal to your best judgment, that the answer is actually true, as witnessed by 85% of the umpires.