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Old Fri Feb 15, 2008, 01:53pm
Welpe Welpe is offline
Archaic Power Monger
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Originally Posted by johnnyg08
I think memorizing stuff doesn't equal learning the just proves that you have a black and white memory of the rule book...that doens't equal a good umpire
I never said it made a good umpire, though rules knowledge is obviously a very important component in the make up of a good umpire. Of course rote memorization doesn't equal knowing what the rules mean and how to apply them but a properly written test can be a good indicator of such.

...sure it helps, but if you were certifying umpires wouldn't you want everybody to pass/ace the test because they looked up the rules and did the test...after all, this is a hobby for many of us. It's not our job. Keep the test open book...whether the test is open book or closed book, you're still testing knowledge.
No I wouldn't. Different sport but my football association's tests are all closed book and we are expected to study for them ahead of time. I would not want my officials to learn from taking a test that is supposed to measure your rules knowledge. That is what practice tests and study groups are for. An open book test might be testing knowledge....or it might be testing how well somebody can look a rule up. The latter doesn't help you much when you're on the field in the middle of a knotty problem.

If you accept money to umpire, it is a job. Granted, its a job we all enjoy and it probably isn't your primary source of income, but it is still a job.

The only difference is that if you're testing open book, you're not testing memory. Just because I look up a rule in the off season or in between games...doesn't make me a better or worse umpire...under your logic, I should memorize the rules one time, then never open up the rule book again.
Those are a lot of words you've put in my mouth. I've never advocated reading the rules once and never again.

Under this path, it continually promotes officials to open up and continually study the rules.
I agree with that approach, but during the test is not the time to be doing that.
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
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