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Old Fri Feb 15, 2008, 01:10pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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The press reports have not been complimentary to the esteemed members of this committee. You know how in news stories when a member of Congress is mentioned, there is frequently a party-state ID that follows (e.g. R-Texas). Well, I saw one report that said, in reference to the committee chairman "Henry Waxman, D-Middle Earth"... And this was not in a right-wing rag, either.

Anyway, the pressure must be getting to the politicians regarding this ridiculous charade, since now we have this (quoting from the Sporting News)
House Oversight Committee chairman Henry Waxman regrets holding the hearings regarding former trainer Brian McNamee's allegations of steroid use by Roger Clemens, the New York Times reports.

Waxman said of Wednesday's four-hour hearing before the committee, "I think Clemens and McNamee both came out quite sullied, and I didn't think it was a hearing that needed to be held in order to get the facts out about the Mitchell report.

"I'm sorry we had the hearing. I regret that we had the hearing. And the only reason we had the hearing was because Roger Clemens and his lawyers insisted on it."

Clemens' lead counsel, Rusty Hardin, called Waxman's statements "unbelievable, disingenuous and outrageous."

"We didn't think any good would come out of having a food fight with [McNamee]," Hardin said.

"He is the one who created this circus in the first place," Hardin said of Waxman. Hardin told the newspaper that Clemens and his lawyers asked Waxman several weeks ago to call off the hearings but that once the depositions had been taken, the Clemens side had no choice but to proceed, fearing the committee would turn the depositions into a hostile written report.
On that last sentence... they expected the hearing to have their man look better???