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Old Thu Feb 14, 2008, 07:40pm
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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Originally Posted by lawump
85% of our membership missed this True/False question on the Fed Test:

If a fair batted ball is caught, a runner shall touch his base after the batted ball has been caught by a fielder.

The 85% said "true".

What do you all think?
I agree with Tim on the answer.
I believe that the question is pure bull$hit for wording the way they did. It is not even a decent "trick question". I am getting tired of this kind of crap on FED tests. It's bad enough to "have to pass these test so you can work the season" but to have this bull$hit on the tests is becoming a joke. And there is no convincing me that this is a way to make you think - it's just bull$hit!
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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