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Old Fri Jun 14, 2002, 04:45pm
crew crew is offline
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Originally posted by crew
play calling-in my opinion and the way i feel it is directed toward the question, is about judgement on plays. (i.e. block/charge, goaltending/not goaltending, no-call vs where a whistle is needed.) when i think play calling i am thinking about beating the tape.

game management-in my opinion is knowing the penalty situations and other areas requiring less judgement but application of management/rules. (i.e. people skills, clock management, switches, things behind the scenes that t.v. and fans do not pick up on)

i have to go now but try to chew on this info and i will elaborate and clarify later.
being a good referee encompasses these 2 traits. it is difficult to seperate the 2. there are many areas of officiating that game management and play calling that cant be seperated.

an nba referee, a college supervisor(d1), and also a d1 coach answered this question.

supervisor chose a game manager
nba ref chose a play caller
d1 coach chose a play caller
i chose a play caller

the reason i chose a play caller is because i do not want a coach to go to a press conference show a clip of the game and be able to hang his hat on a few plays i got wrong at the end of the game among other reasons(this was the main one)

the askee said that there is no right or wrong answer it is just a personal preference which an official finds more important even if it is just slightly more. i am not saying anyone hear is right or wrong i was just curious to see other peoples opinions.

btw there were about 50 refs in the room and only 3 chose play caller. i did not want to think the game managers were out numbered. it is certainly a difficult decision.

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