Originally Posted by hawk65
So what is the "look-back rule?" 8-7 states when the so-called "look-back rule" goes into effect but it does not define what the "look-back rule" is. Who does it refer to -- the runner, the batter-runner, the pitcher, the shortstop, the coach, the scorekeeper, or who? And where is that explained in the NFHS books? NOT in the definitions and NOT in 8-7. My point is these books don't explain this "look-back rule."
What is the title of Rule 8-7?
Would you feel better if Art.1 started out with, "This rule will be in effect when..."
They started the rule by telling you when it applied, and then defined the responsibilities of the runners (Art.2 - 3), the responsibilities of the B-R (Art.4) and the penalty for violating the rule (PENALTY), plus an EXCEPTION clause. What more do you want?