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Old Fri Jun 14, 2002, 07:35am
theboys theboys is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Woodstock, GA
Posts: 337
As a coach and fan, game management is more important to me. As y'all generously point out, most non-referees (including players) don't have a clue about the rules. Although spectators and participants sometime correctly boo a kicked call, most of the time we don't know what we're howling about. So, its critical that a referee manage the flow of
the game, the consistency of the calls, and the intensity of
the coaches and players, and sometimes, the fans.

When I recall the worst games I've been a part of, its not
the calls I remember, but how the games got out of hand because coaches, players and/or fans didn't control their behavior, and referees didn't nip it in the bud early, and control it throughout. Don't get me wrong - I'm not blaming the referees for bad behavior of others, but it only takes one referee puking on my shoes to shut me up.
If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.

- Catherine Aird
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