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Old Sun Feb 10, 2008, 08:49pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Not Too Lazy This Time ..

Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
The restrictions do end when the ball touches the backboard. That's a basic and Billy knew that. Now you tell me, do the restrictions similarly end when the ball on a FT hits the flange?
I decided to not be lazy with this. I went into the other room, got out my bag, got the rule book out of my bag, and came up with a citation, even though I already knew Jurassic Referee was correct about LDUB's question.
9-1-4: The restrictions apply until the ball touches the ring or backboard or until the free throw ends.
It looks like Connecticut IAABO, in their prep school rule differences, "missed the boat" on this one.

1-10-1: Basket shall consist of a single metal ring, it's flange and braces, and a net.
This definition is precisely worded for basket interference situations, but it doesn't seem to work for free throw violations, which only refer to the ring. Has the NFHS "missed the boat" on this one? Would it be easier to add flange and net to the free throw violation wording, or to substitute the word "basket" instead or ring in the same portion of the rule book? Or, does the NFHS have a reason for not including the flange in the rule.

Jurassic Referee: Have you known about this NFHS inconsistency for a while, or did you just discover it. Has anyone on this Forum noticed this, and if so, has anyone with any authority, like an association, or board, interpreter, tried to correct this?
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