I'm always willing to hear feedback regarding things that happen with me so I'd like some input on this from 6th grade competitive league today.....I called a blocking foul in Q4 on a kid whose team was getting throttled pretty bad (so much for competitive today

)....he was shaking his head about the call...I noticed this and explained to him why I called what I called...He had slid under an airborn shooter. As he's taking his spot on the low block immediatley after my explanation...He mumbled something about "mbmbmbmb...get outta here".
So thinking of my times on the board, I thought I'd asked him if he'd like to repeat what he just said to me....He didn't say anything so I asked him again...at this point he looks at me and says "BACK UP". I Td him for this comment....
Coach didn't like the block call or the T....said I initiated the T and shouldn't be in the kids face. My explanation to him about the situation was what I wrote above and I don't think a 12 year old kid or any player at the JRHS or HS level should be telling officials to "Back up"...as in "Get Outta My Face" as that is how I took it. Especially not when the official is tyring to explain to you the reason why you picked up the foul in an effort to help you understand it.
I admit, I don't know exactly what was said and that in itself might have been enough for me that I COULD have left it alone. I do feel as though he was upset with my call and that's why he said whatever he said...In the end I hope that he'll use it as a learning experience that when you don't agree with the official there is a right way and a wrong way to ASK about the call. Better to have learned this in a blowout than when it was a close game...and that's from the player and the officials side of it..