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Old Thu Jun 13, 2002, 03:10pm
Skahtboi Skahtboi is offline
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The pitch, as long as her foot remains in contact with the ground, and all other aspects of the delivery are within the parameters of the rules, is legal. If any umpire rules it otherwise, then they are incorrect in their interpretation of the rule. However, I noted that you said that you would be "prepared" when you encounter that umpire. How do you plan to handle it if he does call illegal pitch? Have you given that any consideration? You shouldn't just march out there and tell him/her that they are wrong in their call. That will only create animosity.

Do you know what guidelines are in place in this league concerning protests if you feel that a rule is being misinterpreted by the umpire?

The first thing you should do, if the umpire does call illegal pitch, is to simply ask why, as though you are wanting to learn. If he says that her pivot foot must remain in contact with the rubber until she releases the ball, then ask him what he saw. Did he see her foot drag away from the pitching plate? Were all other aspects of her delivery legal? If he says yes to all of them, tell him at that point that you wish to lodge a protest based on his interpretation of the pitching rule. If he has a rule book there, he may resolve the problem without it going to a protest committee, and will have learned something in the process.

However....always.....and I cannot stress this enough, always be polite and courteous.


[Edited by Skahtboi on Jun 14th, 2002 at 08:08 PM]
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