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Old Sun Feb 10, 2008, 01:55pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Keep Away From Dressing Room, Please ...

Many years ago, as a junior varsity official, I stayed to watch the varsity game, and went into the dressing room to pick up my bag after the varsity game. As I'm exchanging pleasantries with the varsity officials, the winning, visiting, coach, sticks his head in the door of the dressing room and says, in a nonsarcastic tone, "Nice game guys". One of the varsity officials replies, in my opinion, very unprofessioinally, but honestly, considering this coaches usual attitude, "I bet you wouldn't be saying that if you lost?". It took both me, and the other varsity official, to physically separate them to keep them from killing each other.

Bottom line for officials: Always try to act professionally.
Bottom line for coaches: No matter how good your intentions are, stay away from the dressing room after the game.
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