Originally Posted by wadeintothem
Just admit it.
The highest level of umpire you can be is a MLB umpire.. plain and simple.
I'm no MLB umpire groupie who knows all the umpires names, numbers and underwear sizes like some of our bros up top there, but its fair to admit simple truth.
That depends on the way you look at it. Many of the umpires on this board know their respective rules and mechanics better than some of the MLB umpires.
I have not been overly impressed in the manner some of these "professionals" act the last couple of decades. I've never really understood why an umpire would argue with a coach or player or make a production out of an ejection. Other than succeeding in looking childish on TV, what does it accomplish?
And for a position which is supposed to be the authority officiating the game instead of a participant, why are there so many different uniforms? Why the need for a fashion statement?
And numbers? Why are numbers even used for any sports official? The players and coaches know who the umpires are? The spectators certainly have no need to know who the official is. If they do, why not just put their name on the back of their shirt/jacket?
Okay, now that I have that out of my system, I agree that it is prestigious to be an umpire in the major leagues. Are they the best? Let's say they are the best that survived. It takes a lot of perseverance to get the opportunity to work at that level. There are many other umpires who just cannot make the commitment of the long hours, lots of travel and less than prestigious money. It doesn't mean they are not better umpires, just that their priorities are not the same.
To be honest, I'm not sure many know the rules that well. Then again, I'm always thought the MLB rules are presented in a pretty convoluted manner.