Thread: Church vs State
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Old Sat Feb 09, 2008, 09:25pm
SAump SAump is offline
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The story

Texas is believed to be one of three states in which private schools typically are not allowed to compete with public schools in statewide extracurricular organizations.
Provides more detail than I care to state and perhaps more useful to interested parties here who may follow the case.
Cornerstone filed the suit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas.
The media only reports what took place. The initial court decision favored the UIL. No further info on appeal status.

Admission of error in OP. I said it was a large school. Facts from article cited above lead me to believe it is actually a smaller private school and has a less successful TAPPS athletic program than OP may indicate.

UIL magnate schools attract students from across nearby district boundaries. Some of the state's most successful high school programs fail to mention star players moving into the district during the eighth grade.

UIL spokesman, JW Rutledge, coached at successful 5A Judson HS. Middle school teams played under the guise of larger high school "farm" systems. JW fought repeated attempts to build another public high school in his own district. Judson swelled to over 4,000 students during his tenure as football coach. A new high school was approved after he resigned as football coach. Why does he fear competiton from smaller private schools?

Last edited by SAump; Sun Feb 10, 2008 at 08:45pm.
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