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Old Thu Jun 13, 2002, 11:17am
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Apparently our new friend, klp3515, is a bit thin skinned. I posted that I was confused by the actions taking by an umpire, that is, calling a balk with no runners on base. I am always confused when umpires do something contrary to the rules, yet I assume that they have their reason and I would like to know it.

I didn't mean, and I do not find anything offensive about my question. I wasn't challenging Mr. klp3515. I didn't assume he was the umpire. It sounded more like he was a spectator or coach.

But, none-the-less, I received the following email shortly after my post:

"I am very sorry for confusing you with the miss wording of my question. It should have read illegal pitch not balk. I really appreciate the fact that you pointed out my mistake and not answer the question. I thought this form was to help not slam others. I can see that I am wrong and should seek out my questions else where.

Thank you again for setting me straight."

To klp3515: My confusion was genuine. My failure to answer your question was based on my desire to have all the facts first. I found it difficult to answer your question about balks when it appeared the umpire was calling them without the required conditions.

Trust me, if I had chosen to insult you, it would have not have been done so blandly. Mellow out a little and welcome to the board.

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