Thread: No Lanyard
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Old Thu Feb 07, 2008, 11:39am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by loners4me
I worked with a guy who didn't use a lanyard this year. Just about every other time he blew his whistle it would shoot out of his mouth and across the court. He would have to stop play, brush it off and resume play.

By halftime the AD gave him one of those neon green shoelace lanyards and said"WEAR IT".

He looked like a goof.

If yoou don't use a lanyard sooner or later it will become a distraction to the game. Eventually you will spit it onto the floor.

It WILL happen and therefore is a distraction to the game.

Wear your lanyard.
Speak for yourself! I tried not using a lanyard (or noose or smitty) successfully for 2 seasons of men's rec league.
Pope Francis
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