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Old Wed Jun 12, 2002, 07:40pm
Roger Greene Roger Greene is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 517
I don't think a batter has to "hit" a catcher to get the obstruction call. If a catcher or fielder hinders a batter we may have obstruction.

If F2, seeing R1 stealing, steps forward and catches the pitch before it has crossed the plate, I will (and have in the past) called obstruction. This could also be applied to any other fielder cutting off the pitch, (although I have never observed that hapening.)

I the play at question, in which the batter is attempting to avoid the pitch and is obviously not attempting to strike the pitch, I would tend to agree with your answer, unless F2 is clearly stoping the pitch before it crosses the plate in an attempt to retire a runner.

Roger Greene
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