Thread: No Lanyard
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Old Thu Feb 07, 2008, 08:28am
fullor30 fullor30 is offline
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Originally Posted by btaylor64
It's just a preference thing.

I personally never use one. I would rather not choke myself or scratch my neck all night. I also feel like I am in more control with the whistle in my hand. I guarantee you in the time it takes you to find your whistle on your lanyard and get it in your mouth, I could have blown the thing at least 3 times by then. It is as easy for me to go sans lanyard as it is for you to go with a lanyard. Just a preference which adds to your style.

Let me ask you a question:

Why would you want to go with a lanyard?

Alot of guys back, back, back in the day didn't use lanyards. It was the norm. Or so I was told.
"I guarantee you in the time it takes you to find your whistle on your lanyard and get it in your mouth, I could have blown the thing at least 3 times by then"

It's in my mouth, why would it be out during play? Regarding speed blowing,blowing your whistle three times isn't necessarily a good thing.

When you say just a preference that adds to your 'style' What made you switch? Where do you put it on a jump if you're the R? Obviously you've become comfortable with it and it works for you which is all that counts but something tells me you want to imitate the 'big dawgs'

Last edited by fullor30; Thu Feb 07, 2008 at 08:36am.
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