It's all preference. Some guys do it because it slows down your mechanic, some use it because they don't like a noose around their neck or a whistle bouncing around on their chest when its not in their mouth and other do it because they saw someone else do it and they liked it. It's all preference. I'm tired of hearing it came from the NBA. Most guys in the league wear a lanyard, because that's how they did it when they started and when they moved up. There are some goes who go sans lanyard in the NBA but its not all of them. I go back and forth. Some nights I use a lanyard and some nights I don't. There are pros and cons to each in my opinion. I like no lanyard because I don't like the whistle in my mouth at all times, for a couple of reasons. I don't want it in my mouth when talking and if there is no action in my area I can save my lips from the moist plastic and the chapped lips that comes from it. As for affecting mechanics, once you've got it down it makes no difference. I can spit my whistle out and catch it of drop it into my hand, I don't have to reach up and grab it from my mouth. If you are good with it people don't even notice that you aren't wearing one.So I don't think it has anything looking cool or serving a purpose, its just a preference. I mean if we all started our careers not using a lanyard and then we started seeing people wearing a string around their neck to hold their whistle we might think that looked a little different too.