Thread: The worst?
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Old Tue Feb 05, 2008, 02:25pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by rainmaker
I don't know if we need to talk about it. I agree that I don't like those negative stereotypes. We don't let our kids watch many of those shows at all, when we have the choice. And they mostly don't want to watch them, anyway. It's just not funny very often to see someone acting like a dork.
Why is it that every comical portrayal that involves a "protected" class gets slammed with a stereotype label. Do we want every commercial to portray all participants as if they were Ozzie and Harriet (or the Cleavers). That video only protrated ONE person in that light and made no suggestion about other fact it showed exactly one man and one women behaving the same....where's the comment about the "stereotype" of the coach???? Double standard?? As far as I know, they don't have a pattern of commercials (or even two) that puport that all women/wives are that way. In fact, they have commercials protraying people of all types (genders, races, ages, nationalities, etc.) in funny situations. Its called humor....but apparently its only OK if the target of the humor is a man.
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