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Old Tue Feb 05, 2008, 05:54am
socalumps socalumps is offline
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Posts: 109
Not tryin to get into a pissin match but....

Is your data (information) current?

This coach who said this...said it when?? Since the advent of managed conferences? Which conferences does this coach assign. I am not aware of any NCAA coaches who assign thier own games...if they do that is not as per NCAA approval. I didn't know there are such a thing as Division I clinics.

I heard these types of threats several years ago myself...but none recently...and certianly none approved by the SUIP or NCAA.

As far as comparing to other intities...ASA rules are all approved by commisioners? Some input comes from player reps, committees and NUS, perhaps other non umpire types? Which could lead to some of the frustration many of us have with rules, their effects and their wording?
Yes, NCAA rules are approved by a coaches rules committee with input from the NUIP staff and an umpire representative. This is different how?

ASA and most other affiliation's local umpire assignments are under the ultimate jurisdiction of a commisioner and sometimes when they get really important, regional or national approval?

Having served in an administrative capacity on both levels I can support the goals of each as they aim to serve different constituencies. And serve them well in my opinion.

I guess I just get a little concerned when ASA, NCAA or any other well intentioned group are catagorically mis-represented.

Opinions are like...."I'll leave that to your imagination".....everyone has one!

But will the facts and accurate information support them?
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